A skylight above a door. My first commission from a friend. A design adapted from a copyright-free pattern.
A panel made to commemorate a lovely man. He was an electrician whose logo was 'The Vital Spark'. (The Vital Spark was a Clyde Puffer in the Para Handy Tales). The panel has
since been incorporated into a new front door!
Tricky design
Gorgeous Mackintosh style rose from a copyright free pattern.
Another commission for a friend's bathroom window.
An unusual commission incorporating stones, glass and shells found on walks. The panel was made for the walking companion's new home.
A commission for a Christmas present 2015.
Half a thistle. A panel adapted from a copyright-free pattern.
Another commission 2015.
Muckish Mountain, as seen from The Ards, County Donegal, Eire.
A group of panels made with complementing or contrasting colours and textures. Currently for sale in Artisan& in Aberfeldy.
A commission portraying a view of Southerndown beach in South Wales.
"Peaked Interest"
Clear textured glass with coloured glass where the triangles intersect. Copper-foiled glass on a waxed oak plinth.
The Birks of Aberfeldy - Four panels depicting the Birks through the seasons. Sold as a full set but happy to take commissions for individual panels. See Current Stock.